Human Rights Watch: Egyptissä tuomittiin sotilastuomioistuimessa 3-vuotias elinkautiseen vankeuteen murhista

2.3.2016 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Human Rights Watch on uutisoinut egyptiläisen sotilastuomioistuimen tuominneen 3-vuotiaan lapsen elinkautiseen vankeuteen poissaolevana teoista, jotka liittyvät hallituksen vastaisiin mielenosoituksiin tammikuussa 2014.

HRW uutisoi seuraavasti:

(Beirut) – A life sentence apparently handed down by mistake to a 3-year-old boy on February 16, 2016, exemplifies the arbitrariness of Egyptian courts that are used to punish political opponents of the government.

A Cairo military court presiding over a mass trial of 116 defendants, including Ahmed Mansour Qurni Sharara, 3, delivered the sentence after investigators and prosecutors failed to remove Mansour’s name, even though they knew it was included by mistake, a lawyer for the defense team told Human Rights Watch.

“This case exemplifies the banality of repression in Egypt today,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director. “Police, prosecutors, and judges aren’t even bothering to check basic facts as they rush to pack defendants off to prison.”

All 116 defendants received life sentences, though only 16 were in custody, not including Mansour. The defendants have one opportunity to appeal the verdict, to a military appeals court.

Koko HRW:n uutinen asiasta löytyy täältä:

Egypt: Life Sentence for 3-Year-Old

Suomessa asiasta on uutisoinut mm. MTV:

Egypti tuomitsi 4-vuotiaan useista murhista elinkautiseen

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